Welcome to Themesplate.blogger.com Blog, a site that provides template design tutorials how to make your blog professional looks. You also can download Themesplate.blogger.com design on www.themesplate.blogger.com. This site provides a variety of themes based on colors, columns, featured, style, and other topics. In addition to providing a free theme, this site also provides a premium themes. This site also provides an order making the theme, but still limited to bloggers just a platform for now.

Who behind Themesplate.blogger.com ?

My real name is Herdiansyah Hamzah. a blogger who tried to share everything I know. I come from the island of Borneo, Indonesia. I started to learn bloggers about 3 years ago, both about the blogger tutorials and theme design. I may not be as good as any other a master design, but I will try to provide the best for you. if you have any questions or criticism to me, please contact me via e-mail to mail@themesplate.blogger.com.

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