Canvas Admin - Premium responsive admin template - Admin Templates Site Templates


Canvas Admin is a premium, full featured, responsive admin template that helps you get your project started quickly and with ease. Included are 20+ sample pages showcasing the many layouts and widgets you have at your disposal such as: buttons, grid layout, google maps, tooltips, and much more.

Key Features

  • Responsive Layout

  • Mobile Friendly

  • Fluid Grid System

  • Custom Form Elements & Layouts

  • Uniform Plugin Support

  • Date Pickers

  • Time Pickers

  • Colors Pickers

  • Visualize Charts

  • Ajax Loaders

  • Progress Bars

  • 9 Button Colors

  • 4 Button Sizes

  • 171 Icons

  • 9 Bullet List Icons

  • Custom Modal Plugin

  • Custom Alert Plugin

  • 4 Notification Types: Warning, Success, Error, Info

  • Custom Pagination

  • Tipsy Tooltip Plugin

  • Calendar w/ Schedule

  • Custom Table Styles: Default, Striped, Bordered

  • Google Maps Integration

  • 5 Error Pages: 401, 403, 404, 500, 503

Sample Pages

  • Dashboard

  • Invoice

  • Support

  • People Directory

  • Calendar

  • Stream

  • Gallery

  • Reports

  • Login

  • Map Elements

  • Error Pages

  • Tables

  • Typography

  • Interface Elements

  • Charts & Graphs

  • Form Elements

  • Grid Layout

  • Buttons & Icons


Please note that the layouts & graphics for this theme were created mostly in html & css, as such there is currently no PSD file included.


  • Jquery –

  • Jquery UI –

  • Color Picker –

  • Full Calendar –

  • Data Tables –

  • Google Maps –

  • Light Box –

  • Timepicker –

  • Tipsy –

  • Uniform –

  • Validation Engine –

  • Visualize –

  • Iconic –

  • Silk –

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