Dandelion Admin - Responsive Admin Template - Admin Templates Site Templates


New Update, v2.0

Dandelion Admin has been updated!
The newest version is v2.0, this update includes many new features and bug fixes. For a complete changelog, please see at the bottom of this page.
Thank you very much for all the support anyway!


Dandelion Admin is a responsive, full featured admin template build exclusively for sale at ThemeForest.
This template focuses on having a simple, clear design, while providing the most commonly used elements on web apps.

Main Features

Full Responsive Design

This template is designed to be responsive, so it will adapt to any screen size. Any element in this template will resize or reposition itself to look at its best. Whether it’s a desktop computer, an iPad, or a mobile Phone, everything will look just great!

Try resizing your browser and see for yourself…

Custom Animated Statistic Widget

An animated, statistic circular plugin that can be used to display percentage data makes it easy to display data on your admin interface in a clear, beautiful way.

Custom Wizard Plugin

This template includes a wizard plugin with animated progress meter. This easy to setup plugin makes it easy to divide a long form into smaller steps in a clear and intuitive way.

Beautifully Styled jQuery-UI Widgets

This template includes the full jQuery-UI library, along with two additional add-ons, all styled to match this template’s look and feel.

More than 2000 icons included

Complete Feature List

  • Build Partially on Bootstrap

  • Fully Responsive Design

  • HTML5 & CSS3

  • Four Custom Plugins

    • Circular stat

    • Wizard with Animated progress bar

    • FileInput

    • PickList

  • 16 External Plugins

    • AutoSize

    • ColorPicker

    • DataTables

    • elFinder

    • elRTE

    • Flot

    • FullCalendar

    • iButton

    • jGrowl

    • PhotoSwipe

    • PLUpload

    • Google Prettify

    • PrettyPhoto

    • Select2

    • Validation Plugin

    • Zocial CSS3 Social Buttons

  • Images Compressed using PunyPNG

  • Very flexible and extendable code

  • Collapsible Main Navigation Menu

  • Fully Styled jQuery-UI 1.9.0 Widgets

    • Progressbar (four color presets, animated using CSS3 )

    • Sliders (four color presets)

    • Datepicker with timepicker addon

    • Dialogs

    • Buttonsets

    • Tabs

    • Accordions

    • Spinner

  • Three Table Styles

    • Static Tables

    • Fully styled dynamic DataTables

    • Detail View Tables

  • Three Form Layouts

    • Inline Forms

    • Block Forms

    • Columned Forms

  • Form Messages

    • Error

    • Warning

    • Info

    • Success

  • Background and Header Pattern Changer

  • CSS3 Animated Error Page

  • CSS3 Styled Image Gallery

  • Rewritten Documentation on v2.0

  • 400 Glyphicons WebFont Icon

  • 200+ Led Color Icons Converted to Sprite Image


JavaScript Libraries

  • Bootstrap

  • jQuery

  • jQuery-UI

  • Explorer Canvas

JavaScript Plugins

  • AutoSize

  • ColorPicker

  • DataTables

  • elFinder

  • elRTE

  • Flot

  • FullCalendar

  • iButton

  • jGrowl

  • PhotoSwipe

  • PLUpload

  • Google Prettify

  • prettyPhoto

  • Select2

  • jQuery Validate Plugin

  • Zocial CSS3 Vector Social Buttons


  • Glyhpicons Web Font Icons

  • Led Icon Set

Photos and Images

Other Images

  • Error Page Hanger


I’ll do my best providing support for everyone. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to contact me and I will get back at you as fast as possible.


Version 2.0 (7/12/2012)

  • Updated to jQuery 1.8.3

  • Updated to jQuery-UI 1.9.2

  • Updated to Fullcalendar 1.5.4

  • Updated to DataTables 1.9.4

  • Updated to jQuery validation 1.10.0

  • Added checkable Tables

  • Added Glyphicons Font Icons

  • Added Led Sprite Icons

  • Added fluid & responsive login box

  • Added Form Wizard Page

  • Added Zocial plugin

  • Added Bootstrap v2.2.0

    • Scaffolding

      • Normalize and reset

      • Body type and links

      • Grid System

    • Base CSS

      • Headings, body, etc

      • Core and pre

      • Labels and badges

      • Buttons

    • Components

      • Button groups and dropdowns

      • Pagination

      • Pager

    • JS Components

      • Transitions

      • Dropdowns

      • Tooltips

      • Popovers

      • Collapse

    • Miscellaneous

      • Close icon

      • Utilities

    • Responsive

      • Narrow tablets and below (<767px)

      • Tables to desktops (767-979px)

      • Large desktops (>1200px)

    • jQuery Plugins

      • Transitions

      • Dropdowns

      • Tooltips

      • Popovers

      • Collapse

    • Variables

      • @textColor: #333333

      • @linkColor: #a9ca60

      • @baseFontSize: 12px

      • @baseLineHeight: 18px

  • Removed Scrollable Panels

  • Removed b/w Icons

  • Removed PrettyCheckboxes

  • Removed jQuery Metadata plugin

  • Removed widgets page

  • Moved CSS, images, js, jui folders to /assets

  • Moved custom plugins to assets/js/custom-plugins

  • Moved all JS files inclusion to bottom of page

  • Replaced Grid system with Bootstrap Grids

  • Replaced Chosen with Select2

  • Replaced Syntaxhighlighter with Google Prettify

  • Replaced .da-button-toolbar with Bootstrap .btn-toolbar

  • Replaced fileinput plugin with custom fileinput plugin

  • Replaced jQuery tipsy with Bootstrap tooltip

  • Replaced placeholder plugin with a better one

  • Replaced header dropdown with Bootstrap dropdown

  • Replaced .da-button with Bootstrap .btn

  • Replaced jQuery Elastic with AutoSize

  • Optimized Collapsible Panels

  • Optimized Responsive Layout

  • Optimized Gallery Layout

  • Optimized UI Elements page

  • Optimized Form structure CSS

  • Optimized jQuery-UI CSS

  • Rewrite Base CSS

  • Rewrite Responsive CSS

  • Rewrite HTML markup

  • Rewrite PickList plugin

  • Rewrite Circular plugin

  • Rewrite Wizard plugin

  • Fixed tons of minor bugs

Version 1.1 (6/11/2012)

  • Optimize the image size on gallery page

  • Fixed apple-touch-icon missing image

  • Login box and its error message is now responsive

  • Replaced Google Visualization library with Flot due to lack of support on Android prior to version 3.1

  • Added prettyCheckboxes plugin

  • Made the table outside scrollable panels responsive

  • Fixed a display bug on toolbar panel

  • Removed the statistic widget page

Version 1.2 (7/25/2012)

  • Added decimal point option on circular plugin

  • improved elRTE stylesheet to not override jquery-ui styles

  • Added submitButtonName option on Wizard Plugin

  • Added reset functionality on Wizard Plugin

  • Added AJAX submit option on Wizard Plugin

  • Added iOS style radio and checkbox plugin

  • Fixed the overflowing Wizard Navigation progress width

Version 1.1 (6/11/2012)

  • Optimize the image size on gallery page

  • Fixed apple-touch-icon missing image

  • Login box and its error message is now responsive

  • Replaced Google Visualization library with Flot due to lack of support on Android prior to version 3.1

  • Added prettyCheckboxes plugin

  • Made the table outside scrollable panels responsive

  • Fixed a display bug on toolbar panel

  • Removed the statistic widget page

Version 1.0 (5/22/2012)

  • Initial Release

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