Harmony - Multipurpose Responsive Html5 Template - Creative Site Templates


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# Features …

  • 18 Pages …

  • Easy to customize.

  • All purpose design.

  • Modern layout

  • Responsive design.

  • color theme.

  • Ajax working contact form.

  • CSS dropdown sub menus.

  • JQuery powerd pages.

  • Working twitter widget.

  • Google Maps

  • Three different working sliders.

  • FancyBox 2 plug-in.

  • Five portfolio view

  • Design post page.

  • Well commented code.

  • Detailed and explicit documentation.

# Credits …

  • Icons By: iconsweets2.com

  • Image in the preview By TheUnknownBeing:

  • Also Images in the preview By:

  • Social Icons By:

  • Flexslider:

  • jCarousel Lite:

  • jQuery Cycle Plugin:

  • Subtle Patterns:

  • Images in the preview are NOT included in the template.

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