MWS Admin - Full Featured Admin Template - Admin Templates Site Templates


New Update, v2.1

MWS Admin has been updated! The new version is v2.1, this version adds some new features and plugin, fixes lots of bugs and tidy up lots of form hassles. This template now should work almost perfectly on IE8.

Meanwhile, I’m preparing v2.2 for this template, the first release to support RTL!

Thank you for all the support!


  • Update Timepicker to v1.1.1

  • Update jQuery to 1.8.3

  • Update jQuery-UI to 1.9.2

  • Columned Form Cleanup, this now follows Bootstrap Fluid Grid System

  • Normalize all Form inputs height to 30px

  • Cleaned up HTML markup

  • Clean up all css with cssbeautify

  • Added mws-form-row.bordered

  • Added autosize plugin

  • Restyled fieldset and legends

  • Fixed a couple of bugs

2.0 Milestone Reached

After 6 times a 1.x releases and more than thousand sales, MWS Admin has finally reached a new milestone with v2.0 release. This release is a major update with tons of feature additions, the brand new jQuery-UI 1.9.0 integration, bootstrap components integration and code optimizations.

Thanks a lot for all who bought this template, everyone of you have encouraged me to update this template up until now!

NB: This release is no longer compatible with all v1.x versions, if you still need the v1.x files, please contact me via email or the comments section. For a complete reference what has been modified in this new version, please check the changelog section.


MWS Admin is a responsive admin template build exclusively for sale at ThemeForest, and it aims to be full featured while keeping everything simple and straight forward.

Responsive Layout

This template is designed to be responsive, so it will adapt to any screen size. Any element in this template will resize or reposition itself to look at its best. Whether it’s a desktop computer, an iPad, or an Android Mobile Phone, everything will look just great!

Try resizing your browser and see for yourself…

Key Features

This is an admin template where you can adjust its colors to suit your site’s look and feel. It has a feature that you can use to change the base and text colors.
Note: This feature has been updated in v1.1. Now you can choose colors for every element on the template, from the sidebar, the header, the text and the text glow!

This template includes a jQuery-UI theme build specially to work with this template, and its colors can even be customized through the themer!

This template includes styles for an unique, sleek toolbar, aiming to provide easy access to the most common functions you can find in an admin template…

Colorfull, interactive CSS 3 buttons

MWS Admin includes tons of icons in font and sprite format all carefully selected to suit everything you need in an admin template.

Feature Overview

  • Fluid Layout

  • Responsive Design (Looks great on desktops, tablets and phones)

  • Two Columns

  • MWS Themer, a feature to customize this template’s look and feel to match your site

  • Bootstrap Components Integrated

    • Buttons

    • Button groups

    • Tooltips

    • Popovers

    • Dropdowns

    • Collapse

    • Labels and Badges

  • Tons of Font and Sprite Icons

    • jQuery-UI Standard Icons

    • 382 Font Icons made with IcoMoon app

    • 512 Led Icons

    • 2400 Fatcow Icons

  • 14 Plugins Integrated and Styled

    • Colorpicker

    • File Manager (elFinder)

    • WYSIWYG Editor (CLEditor)

    • Flot Charts

    • Full Calendar

    • Growl Notifications

    • Image Cropper (imgareaselect)

    • File Uploader (plupload)

    • Data Tables

    • Validation plugin (jQuery validate)

    • Select2 plugin

    • jQuery prettyPhoto plugin

    • jQuery iButton plugin

  • 3 Custom Build Plugins

    • Wizard, a plugin for converting a set of form sections into a responsive wizard

    • PickList, a plugin for converting select input fields to pick list input

    • FileInput, a plugin for easily styling file input fields without needing any additional css

  • The brand new jQuery-UI 1.9.0 integration

    • Autocomplete

    • Datepicker

    • Accordion

    • Tabs

    • Sliders

    • Progress Bar

    • Dialog

    • Buttonsets

    • Spinner

  • Message and Notification dropdown list

  • Fluid 8 grid layout

  • Panel Styles

    • Panel content with padding

    • Panel content without padding

    • Collapsible Panels

    • Panel with Toolbar

  • Fancy statistic widget with icon

  • Summary List

  • Form layouts and sizes

    • Inline form layout

    • Block form layout

    • Columned form layout

    • Three different input sizes (small, default, large)

    • Error messages

      • Below the form input

      • As a summary on top of the form


I’ll do my best providing support for everyone. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to contact me and I will get back at you as fast as possible.


Version 2.1 (12/08/2012)

  • Update Timepicker to v1.1.1

  • Update jQuery to 1.8.3

  • Update jQuery-UI to 1.9.2

  • Columned Form Cleanup, this now follows Bootstrap Fluid Grid System

  • Normalize all Form inputs height to 30px

  • Cleaned up HTML markup

  • Clean up all css with cssbeautify

  • Added mws-form-row.bordered

  • Added autosize plugin

  • Restyled fieldset and legends

  • Fixed a couple of bugs

Version 2.0.1 (10/18/2012)

  • IE bugs fixed

  • Fixed bugs in demo script

  • Update imgAreaSelect to 0.9.9

Version 2.0 (10/16/2012)

  • Bootstrap Integration

    • Scaffolding

      • Normalize and reset

      • Body type and links

    • Base CSS

      • Headings body

      • code and pre

      • labels badges

      • Buttons

    • Components

      • Button groups and dropdowns

      • Breadcrumbs

      • thumbnails

    • Miscellaneous

      • Utilities

    • JS Components

      • Tooltips

      • Popovers

      • Dropdowns

      • Collapse

    • Plugins

      • Dropdowns

      • Tooltips

      • Popovers

      • Collapse

    • @baseFontSize: 13px

    • @baseLineHeight: 20px

    • @linkColor: #C5D52B

    • @btnPrimaryBackground: #08c

  • Updgrade

    • Upgrade jQuery to 1.8.2

    • Upgrade to the brand new jQuery-UI 1.9.0

    • Updated all plugins to their latest versions

  • Replacement

    • Replaced mwsWizard with a new custom Wizard Plugin

    • Replaced elRTE with CLEditor

    • Replaced Sourcerer plugin with Google Prettify

    • Replaced customFileInput with custom file input plugin

    • Replaced jQuery tipsy with Bootstrap Tooltip

    • Replaced jQuery Chosen with jQuery Select2

    • Replaced placeholder plugin with a better one

    • Replaced spinner plugin with jQuery-UI 1.9.0 Spinner

    • Replaced .mws-button with Bootstrap .btn

  • Addition

    • Added wizard example page

    • Added PickList plugin

    • Added new wizard plugin

    • Added iButton jQuery plugin

    • Added lots of new background images for MWS Themer

    • Added jQuery-UI extension script for Slider and Progressbar

    • Added placeholder text for search form on sidebar

  • Rewrite (breaks compatibility)

    • Input labels inside .mws-form now must have .mws-form-label class

    • Changed mws-toolbar’s buttons to Bootstrap btn-toolbar

    • Renamed the statistic widget class names from mws-report to mws-stat

    • Changed but kept the compatibility for collapsible panels, these panels now utilizes Bootstrap collapse plugin

    • Replaced all IconSweets 24×24 image icons with IcoMoon Web Font Icon

    • Converted Led Icons to sprite image

    • Changed Fatcow Icons class name to icol32-

    • Replaced the CSS reset and typography stylesheets with Bootstrap

  • Restructure (breaks compatibility)

    • JavaScript files structure reorganized

    • CSS files structure reorganized

  • Optimization (breaks compatibility)

    • Major base CSS rewrite, optimization and improvement according to last standards

    • Replaced image usages for transparent and gradient with CSS3, and moved those image usages to IE < 9 stylesheet

    • All HTML files now only contains reference to the plugins used on that page

    • Tons of redundant code and bug fixes

Version 1.6 (5/22/2012)

  • Added styles for jQuery-ui buttonset

  • Updated jQuery-UI to 1.8.20

  • Fixed the spinner examples

  • Fixed datepickers that appears behind jQuery-UI dialog

  • Added datepicker on dialog modal form example

  • Added a custom wizard plugin, mwsWizard

  • Renamed wizard navigation class name to .mws-wizard-nav

  • Removed smart wizard plugin

Version 1.5 (4/29/2012)

  • Updated jQuery to 1.7.2
  • DataTables plugin updated v1.9.1
  • Table stylesheet updated to support DataTables 1.9.1
  • Chosen updated to 0.9.8

  • Fullcalendar updated to 1.5.3

  • PLupload updated to 1.5.4

  • prettyPhoto updated to 3.1.4

  • jquery-ui timepicker addon updated to 1.0

  • Moved the fileinput styling script as core script

  • Renamed the file ”/css/core/report.css” to ”/css/core/statistic.css”

  • Added table of contents on all css files

  • Separated the jquery-ui folder

  • Moved the jquery-ui timepicker addon into the jquery-ui folder

  • Replaced placeholder plugin with a better one

  • Fixed columned form error message

  • Improved the responsive layout on mobile

Version 1.4 (3/24/2012)

  • Wizard styling bug fixed

  • Fixed dropdown messages that are not clickable

  • Fixed background image bug

  • Added smart wizard plugin

  • Integrated the build in wizard style with smart wizard

Version 1.3 (2/19/2012)

  • Fixed Login page not working on IE

  • Form in jQuery-UI dialogs

  • Fixed navigation disappear if searchbox removed on mobile devices

  • File input error message now displays correctly

  • Spinner error message now displays correctly

  • Datepicker should not bring up virtual keyboard

  • Themer can now change background image

  • Images optimized

    • core [435,250 bytes—> 115,214 bytes]

    • jui [72,348 bytes—> 8,084 bytes]

    • 519 icons 16×16 [284,317 bytes—> 233,544 bytes]

    • 461 icons 24×24 [227,177 bytes—> 183,807 bytes]

    • 1400 icons 32×32 [2,264,409 bytes—> 2,093,238 bytes]

Version 1.2 (2/10/2012)

  • Responsive Layout, this template now looks great on desktops, tablets and mobile phones

  • Added column layout for forms

  • Color change on hovered table rows

  • Improved the login page, added validation and shake effect

  • Added new form error style for radio and checkbox input

  • Added jQuery-UI timepicker, an extension of the datepicker

  • Panels can now be collapsed by default

  • Changed the file styling plugin to jquery.fileinput

  • jQuery-UI now support touch devices

  • Enlarged the jQuery-UI slider handle so it will be easier to use on touch devices

  • Bug and layout fixes

Version 1.1 (2/5/2012)

  • Added select inputs with Chosen Plugin

  • Added prettyPhoto Plugin

  • Added functionality to dismiss form messages

  • Improved the color chooser

  • Improved the login page

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