Papercut - One Page Portfolio Template - Portfolio Creative


Papercut- One Page Portfolio Template

Papercut is a one page portfolio template for your business or personal purpose.

Gorgeous Design with Wonderful jQuery Tools made this template perfect not only for your business/portfolio purpose but also for your personal such as blogging purpose. This item is well documented with explained code that will help you to use it easily.

Papercut holds features like:

  • Gorgeous Design

  • Flexible Layout

  • Smooth image loading

  • Cufon Fonts

  • CSS3 Effects

  • PHP Powered Working AJAX Contact Form

  • Valid Codes

  • PSD Included for design customization

  • Nivo Slider

  • FancyBox

  • Easy Typography

  • No Commercial Fonts means No additional costs for customizing/editing/using

  • Inline well Documented Solid Codes

  • ....and more!

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