Themes Review WordPress Portfolio Locus - Responsive One Page Wordpress Theme

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Please note that with the latest update 3.0 all the theme files have been revised including the options framework. So if you are planning on updating the theme, you will need to do create your posts and pages from scratch. The help documentation explains all the steps thoroughly with video screencasts. (The new version only supports Vimeo and YouTube videos in the portfolio.)

Update 3.6 (18 Jun 13)

Click to view changelog


  • Responsive layout
  • 3 skins: Dark, darklight, light
  • 3 backgrounds for each skin
  • Filtered portfolio
  • One page news
  • jQuery enhanced
  • Working contact form
  • Thorough HTML documentation
Socialike - Tumblog with Social Pages and Gallery

Jupither - Responsive Wordpress Gallery & Blog

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