Themes Download Site Templates Corporate One Real Estate

Clean and modern real estate template created using 960gs with 5 color schemes (Blue, Brown, Gray, Green and Orange) with clean css coding with commented tags. It is composed of 2 dimensional columns the right and left column in about us and contact us pages. It uses several jquery plugins used in this template. It Includes 4 main menu navigations (Home, View our Properties, About us and Contact us)

Theme Features

  • Valid XHTML Strict 1.0
  • Valid CSS Level 2.1
  • Tableless layout
  • 25 PSD files included
  • Tested and working in All major browsers
  • Easy to Customize
  • CSS Based Template
  • Ready to use contact form
  • Favicon Ready
  • RSS Feed Ready
  • 1 PDF Help File
  • Uses CSS Resets
  • DD_belatedPNG
  • jQuery Simple tooltip plugin
  • jQuery Modern Form Validations
  • jQuery hSlides accordion plugin
  • jQuery Cufon font replacement
  • jQuery Fancybox plugin
  • jQuery Mega Dropdown plugin
  • jQuery Custom Selectbox plugin
  • jQuery Tabs plugin
  • jQuery Modal Window plugin
  • Google Maps Integration


 Version 1.0 (June 17, 2010) - Initial Release 

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