Themeforest Review WordPress Creative Awesome - Portfolio & Blog Magazine Theme

Important Note

We no longer supports a legacy version of the Awesome theme which is v1.8. Wordpress and other software’s moves so fast that its impossible to upgrade all the improvements we were making to a new versions of our themes. Kindly please do not update theme for the old buyers who just want to replace the awesome folder which may effect it content mess-up as theme has changed its old short-codes and many other stuff. Theme comes with many more features so please visit live preview for the list of the functionality included in the Version 2.0.

Awesome is a Powerful Professional WordPress theme. It comes with an impressive 4 Homepage slider with 2 different layout options through admin interface.

Whether your are a wordpress pro or Just a beginner, this theme fully has been covered. Awesome has a huge and powerful backend area you have complete Options Panel control over the look and style of your theme. Display number blog post at homepage , Adjust homepage slider setting speed and effects, Enable/Disable function available for navigation and much much more, all without having to touch a single line of code!

  • 42 Custom ShortCodes v2.0 Includes 80+ Shortcodes
  • Unlimited Background Color Options
  • 4 Homepage Sliders
  • Widgetized Homepage
  • Homepage with 2 columns Widgetized and Blog Page layout
  • Wordpress 3.0 Custom Menu Support
  • Unlimited Sidebars.
  • Full width Page Template
  • 404 Error Page
  • Contact Page Template
  • Sortable Portfolio Page Template
  • Portfolio 1,2,3,4 Columns
  • 100+ Google & Custom Cufon Fonts.
  • Light / Dark Skin
  • Unlimited Color Skinning Options
  • Custom Widgets
  • Twitter / Flickr / Popular Posts/ Recent Posts / Contact Info/ Contact Form / Text Widget Support Shortcodes.
  • 80+ Custom Shortcodes
  • Sidebar Footer
  • Wordpress MU Compatible
  • OOP Framework.
  • Portfolio Custom Post Type
  • Slider Custom Post Type
  • Built in Shortcode Generator.
  • Advanced Options Panel (Import or Export the theme options panel settings.)
  • Google Map Integrated
  • 1 Blog Style Layouts
  • 4 Page Templates
  • Timthumb/ VT_Resize (Image Resizers)
  • Blog single post and threaded comments


v2.0 – Major Updated – 29th Feb 2012
 Major Updated to the new framework and shortcodes. 

v1.8 – Updated – 27th Nov 2010

 Fixed  Previous Bugs Added - Shortcode Editor. Added - 40 Mini Icons Added - Custom Widgets Added - 50 Custom Cufon Fonts 

v1.7 – Updated On 10th August 2010

 Fixed previous Menu Bug Added - Custom Sidebar for different pages. 

v1.6 – Updated On -18th July 2010

 Fixed previous bugs Wordpress 3.0 Menu Manager Compatibility Added 

v1.5 – Updated On – 29th June 2010

 Custom Slider Option from Admin Panel Category/Post Slider Option from Admin Panel Adding New Area for Social Bookmark Icons in Footer Editable Via Admin 

v1.4 – Updated On” – 14th June 2010

 Fixed minor bugs with shortcodes 

v1.3 Updated On – 12th June 2010

 Added new page sitemap.php and search-box.php Updated with dark color option Fixed bug and changed the footer list styles Documentation updated 

v1.2 Updated – updates history not maintained
v1.1 Updated – updates history not maintained

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