Themes Download eCommerce OpenCart Tellus - Responsive OpenCart theme for bike store

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A great way to draw attention from your customers is to decorate your store with great color schemes.

This responsive theme has a very beautiful and unique design make it a best choice for showcasing and selling any type of merchandise. The responsive design means it will automatically adjust and display perfectly for users on all devices from desktops to mobiles.

If you like this theme, don’t forget to rate it.  :)

This theme is ONLY compatible with OpenCart and! If you want to use the theme but have an older version of OpenCart, you must update your store installation first!

More Features

  • Search Engine optimized
  • Lightweight optimized images
  • Compatible with cross browsers: IE8, IE9, IE10, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Chrome
  • Google Web Fonts utilized
  • Well-commented codes
  • CSS3 Integration/ Effects
  • Provide with CSS / JS Compression feature
  • Sitemap Generator included

Responsive Design

6 Predefined Colors

4 Product Display Modules

Grid / List Layout

Visual Control Panel

Online Marketing Booster

Make Use Of White Spaces

Responsive Design

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