A website template is a framework for a website including the code for website pages, graphic essentials and a style template. Most users think of a template in terms of visual or image manifestation but it is actually the theme.
In this tutorial you will be introduced with the concept of modular design of website templates. Here you will learn how to create adaptable and maintainable web templates easily from simple ones.
Web template has mainly two parts. These two main parts are, first one is the content management code and second part is the theme. These should be kept separate so that the theme can easily be changed without affecting the structure. Content management part generally display the structure of templates and theme is all about the look of web template. It also represents the styles that are defined in an external style sheet and there is no need to embed in the HTML code.
The complete structure of a website is defined by a set of web templates. It is good practice to make the templates modular design. This technique allows site-wide changes to be applied easily. You can also divide a page template into separate sections including header, content section, sidebar and footer where the code for all sections will be placed in separate files. The content will modify mostly between the pages, so you can include the content into a page file which defines the exclusive features of that page.
The unique features of a web page will be the title, description and article/blog content. You can describe these sections at the beginning of the page template. Then assemble the web page by entering the necessary templates and insertion of the content.
If we have a tendency to directly insert the content, we'll produce a new template for every page of the website. However this can be fine since we have a tendency to don't seem to be duplicating the header, footer and sidebar.
To reduce the quantity of page templates, we will save our content in a database and use a page ID to spot that page content to insert. This ID is sometimes appended to our URLs of the web site. If we have a tendency to try this, then we can create Content Management System (CMS).Here the theme is probably going to be modified typically or individuals are inspired to design a new themes, a separate directory are often created to hold the assorted themes.For this to work, we now need to create master page templates. The master page template will control the entire website. So these are the main concepts of modular website template creation from the simple to a complex CMS.
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