The blogger templates are web publishing tools used in content management. These templates comprise readymade designs in a great range of colors, text options, formats, graphics and frames. The blogger templates are used to make content more attractive. There are many blogger sites available to offer a variety of such templates. The attractive designs are helpful to present blog, article or website content in better way.

Pros of using free blog Templates:

Cost: The attractive and professionally-designed blog templates are available free or at the rate of very low cost. 

Easy set up: These free website templates are very easy to set up. It requires copying the HTML code for required template followed by pasting to blog editing page.

Choice: Moreover it is simple, quick and easy to change the template. Blog websites offer large no. of blogger templates, one can pick according to requirements.

Look: Topnotch design quality of blogger template provides eye catching and stunning look to blog.
Well organized: Blog tends to be well organized due to fixed structure.

Easy readability: The blogs with suitable blog templates are easy to read and understand.

Guidelines: Blogger templates help to enhance content flow.

Speed: The high quality blog template helps to increase loading speed of your content.
Cons of using free blog Templates:

Restricted customizing: Without knowledge of HTML code it is bit difficult to customize the blogs at some parts. Readymade templates provide less flexibility in structure, function, design and placement.

Ads: Free blog templates are always hyperlinked with text or small images advertising the resource. It puts negative impact of copying.

Repetition: The same design may be used by different users hence unique look is difficult to approach.

Error: The Microsoft Word becomes disabled during uploading free blogger templates that can give spelling errors. Even the elements of blogger template may disappear without any warning.

Similar appearance: The blog content looks similar at first glance though has different content.

Rehashing danger: while using same template, one may be tempted to write on same topic. 

Loading time: The irrelevant blog templates slow down the loading time of blog.

No support: The bloggers usually experience troubleshooting hassles in the absence of support from blogger template sites.

Access to source files: Many free templates do not offer access to source files.

Dependence: Blogger remains dependent on template designers for solving problems.  

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